According to an online website, the SL player involved is an allrounder playing in IPL and his name has been notified to SLC by India but SLC is trying to hide the name of the supposed culprit.
Cat is out of the bag. Come on SLC which is controlled by Nishantha (with all his corruption in previous committe )and Upali and Mahindanada - 3 nincompoops with no cricketing knowledge. Either 3 of you resign or DIVULGE to the public the name of SL player (an allrounder who puts the sign of the cross when bowling)involved in spot fixing at IPL.India has informed the SLC and it is being hidden due to influence of the Church to which this culprit belongs and a powerful lady who attends this church ..And if there is match or spot fixing only fools will watch SL cricket in future.
Cat is out of the bag. Come on SLC which is controlled by Nishantha (with all his corruption in previous committe )and Upali and Mahindanada - 3 nincompoops with no cricketing knowledge. Either 3 of you resign or DIVULGE to the public the name of SL player (an allrounder who puts the sign of the cross when bowling)involved in spot fixing at IPL.India has informed the SLC and it is being hidden due to influence of the Church to which this culprit belongs and a powerful lady who attends this church ..And if there is match or spot fixing only fools will watch SL cricket in future.
I had predicted slow death of our cricket due to political interference . When the Hambantota stadium was being built i spotlighted online from far away Austarlia that this will be a white elephant as no one will travel that far to watch cricket. Nishantha made 35 overseas trips last time and all that is ignored. D S de Silva exchairman,knew sweet bugerral of administration and he appointed his clueless nephews to the all important WC committee and swindled with rampage and COPE has made observations. Now Marsh has filed a case for wrongful dismissal and this is known the world over. Like Australia, why doesnt SL appoint an independent committee to recommend transparency and widen the control of the game aas it is now run by this triumvirate.
What colossal waste of funds which could have been of benefit to the poor upcoming talented cricketers .
It is high time, the present senior cricketers highlight the injustices occurring in SLC unless they have skeletons in their cupboad. Also why have P unchihewa, Tissera and WEtimuny dissociated from
SLC. Finally the AGM was an election only by name.
SLC. Finally the AGM was an election only by name.
Ranjan Rodrigo Sydney